JIN YI YUAN Resilient Flooring expert

Purchasers do you know how to choose homogeneous vinyl  flooring?

Homogeneous vinyl flooring is a new type of environmentally friendly flooring, high-tech granulation, high-temperature and high-pressure processing methods to ensure that the flooring material excellent product performance, designed for a service life of up to 15 years -20 years.PVC homogeneous rolled flooring is gradually welcomed by the market with its super wear resistance, long service life, easy to clean, non-slip, sound insulation, fire prevention and other advantages. In hospitals, schools, office buildings, shopping malls, supermarkets, clean rooms and other places with high traffic flow, homogeneous vinyl flooring is used more and more.

Currently on the market,  homogeneous vinyl flooring brands, quality is mixed, as a buyer how to identify the quality of good and bad? Homogeneous vinyl flooring manufacturer – Jinyiyuan to provide you with some methods:

  1. Safety and environmental protection is the most important and basic requirements, so we first focus on the environmental indicators of  homogeneous vinyl flooring. The main raw material for the production of qualified homogeneous vinyl flooring is the new polyvinyl chloride material, PVC is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic renewable resource, such as the use of tableware, medical infusion bags, food packaging boxes, etc., its environmental protection is no need to worry about. The main component of the filler is natural stone powder, which is tested to be free of any radioactive elements, and is a new type of green and environmentally friendly floor decoration material. Detected by the SGS EU standards, plasticisers used are non-phthalate plasticisers, homogeneous vinyl flooring plasticiser standards need to meet the European and American countries on toys that can be put into children’s mouths and mandatory standards for child care products. Therefore, in the purchase of PVC homogeneous flooring before we need to know whether the floor brand has the appropriate environmental certification, such as ISO9001 international quality certification, ISO14001 environmental certification, EU CE certification, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency certification, SGS, etc. Homogeneous vinyl flooring by the SGS European Union standard test formaldehyde content is basically zero.
  2. Test weight. If we do not have professional testing equipment, weighing is the most intuitive way to judge the quality of homogeneous vinyl flooring. PVC flooring is mainly composed of PVC materials, there will be a small amount of stone powder (calcium carbonate) materials; the content of stone powder affects the weight of the homogeneous vinyl flooring, do not know much about the PVC flooring customers will fall into a misunderstanding: the heavier the flooring, the flooring is better. However, for homogeneous vinyl flooring, the lighter the weight of PVC flooring, the better the quality of the floor. the weight of PVC materials compared to the weight of stone powder is much lighter, the heavier the floor, proving that the content of stone powder or other materials, the more the content of the relative PVC materials, the lower the content, the quality of homogeneous vinyl flooring can not be guaranteed. Therefore, the weight of the floor is to identify the homogeneous vinyl flooring is a visual method of good and bad. In terms of high-quality standards: 2800 g / m2 of homogeneous vinyl flooring is the best.
  3. Test toughness. Toughness refers to the ability of the flooring material to resist abrasion, resistance to stretching, resistance to compression, etc., can also be called resistance to rupture. Good homogeneous vinyl flooring texture close and strong and toughness, in the impact of heavy objects have good elastic recovery. At the same time has a strong impact resistance, can resist the damage brought about by the impact of heavy objects, basically will not cause damage. Therefore, homogeneous vinyl flooring can minimise the ground to human injury, and can disperse the impact on the foot. The latest research data show that in the high traffic space paved homogeneous vinyl flooring, the rate of its personnel falls and injuries compared to other floors reduced by nearly 70%. How to manually test the toughness of homogeneous vinyl flooring? We can put the homogeneous floor repeatedly bending, and then carefully observe the bending place whether there is a slight fracture or crease, there is a fracture of the homogeneous vinyl flooring quality is not good. Secondly, you can test whether the homogeneous vinyl flooring is strong and firm by tearing.
  4. Look at the appearance of quality, through the appearance of homogeneous vinyl flooring we can also make a basic judgement. When you get the homogeneous floor samples, first of all, we should look at the homogeneous floor colour, good quality floor colour uniformity, clear texture, bright colours, there will be no obvious colour difference. Then we should look at the flatness and gloss of the floor surface, there can be no obvious unevenness, paint rupture and other problems. In addition, it is also necessary to see whether the corners of the floor are neat, whether there are burrs and other defects.
  5. Test stain resistance. As the homogeneous vinyl flooring is composed of PVC and fillers and plasticisers, the surface of the surface is difficult to see with the naked eye pores, so a good homogeneous vinyl flooring will be PUR coating surface treatment that is the polyurethane deep strengthening treatment, with the calendering process, the polyurethane penetrates to the floor of the entire thickness of the pores will be blocked. So that even if there is constant wear and tear, dirt is difficult to penetrate, this technology is generally only medium and high grade homogeneous floor manufacturers will be applied, which ensures that the homogeneous floor of strong stain resistance. PVC homogeneous flooring with excellent stain resistance, even with difficult to remove the marker pen writing on the floor to leave pen stains, can be easily wiped with a paper towel or wet rag. So, you know how to test the stain resistance of homogeneous vinyl flooring?
  6.  Test wear resistance. According to European standards, homogeneous vinyl flooring wear-resistant grade in order: T> P> M> F class. The different wear-resistant grade, homogeneous vinyl flooringhas different differences. The higher the wear-resistant grade, the greater the PVC content, compared to its unit area weight is lighter, the higher the cost. Therefore, in the purchase of homogeneous translucent flooring before buyers need to consult and compare the wear-resistant grade of homogeneous flooring and grams per unit area, in order to prevent the purchase of PVC homogeneous flooring with lower product standards.
  7.  Teference to quality standards and test reports. General large-scale or high product standards manufacturers will be based on national quality standards for the production of flooring, and actively show the product test report. Therefore, when buyers buy homogeneous flooring, you can first check whether the homogeneous vinyl flooring is in line with the relevant national standards. So buyers can trust those quality standards and norms test reports of homogeneous flooring brands.
  8. Buyers should not forget to ask manufacturers or distributors before purchasing homogeneous vinyl flooring samples and testing. This can be more intuitive understanding and comparison of different brands of PVC homogeneous flooring.

In short, the purchase of homogeneous vinyl flooring need to pay attention to environmental indicators, quality standards, appearance quality and product performance and other aspects. Buyers can do more to understand and compare before buying, in order to choose the right brand and product.
